KPMG Thank you letter

Dear KPMG Kayla

My name is Cing Cing and I am in Room 7 at Point England School. Last week on Monday,we went to MOTAT.I am writing a letter to thank you for being a helper on our school trip.

My favourite part of MOTAT was the art and crafts because a lot of people had so much creativity and even though my one wasn’t as good,I was still proud. I liked how it challenged us because the material was quite hard to cut and the scissors were quite rough. 

Something else I enjoyed at MOTAT was the hamster wheel because I could experience what a hamster does in life and it was really funny too because everyone fell down mostly. I liked how it was good for running because I would try not to fall while doing so it challenged me basically. It challenged me basically.

I really thank you for helping us at MOTAT because you guys were volunteers and you guys guided us around so we didn’t get lost and if we were clueless you would help us. You guys were all so lovely. 

I liked how our group got along with you Kayla because you were very kind and very funny and of course the other groups were amazing too. Also you definitely knew how to get us calmed down and all happy.

Thank you, Cing.

Hello there. This is my thank you letter for KPMG because they helped us with our MOTAT and they were only volunteers. So i hope that you can check this out and now goodbye.

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