Tag: U-Turn

Group Response to text- U-turn

Hi there. This is my group work of  U-Turn. Now for this we all have roles and we read together and the roles are leader,Link maker,Questioner,Summariser and more. Now please i want you to check this out and if you wanna know a little more the post down below has more info but now i just wanna say goodbye!

U-Turn W5T2 Response to text

Hello there. For todays response to text we have u-turn. For this response to text it was really about how drama happened and its trying to take a U-Turn so everything will be okay. Now what i really liked about this response to text that it was quite funny in my head and it was really easy to do this. What i didn’t like was the story part because it was quite a weird story and hard to explain. But anyways thats it so now have a nice day goodbye!!