Year: 2022

Response to text ( Reading) Kapa Haka

Hello there amazing people. For todays learning we have all about a poi and kapa haka. Now if you want to know the story well i can explain it to you.

First she is in kapa haka but she ruins her poi and had to get punished because she didn’t even want to be in kapa haka anyways and while that she had to make 64 poi’s but it was actually fun and at the end everyone was happy.


While that i really want you to check my work and i hope you have a a amazing time and while said goodbye!

Writing would you rather

Would you rather


Go to the past 100 years

Go to the future 100 years


(writing task) 

My answer:


I would rather pick the past,why?Well you know how bad things happened in the past.What would a 100 years back in the past with all those mistakes fixed.In the past i would try get people to know the future and to let them know what not to do like countries fighting because war could start.With that we could have a happy life by treating people correctly because they are human too.If i went in the future i would be clueless and probably be questioned if i even know stuff. I would also not know how things work like i wouldn’t know the new technology is done

CC 4 facts

Hello there. For todays 4 fact we have the Country Zimbabwe.             Now i don’t have that much time because i have to go do other stuff in school so i am sorry but yea. Goodbye.